is the house of Allah to which Muslims all across the globe pay homage in the
form of Hajj and Umrah every year. It is one of the most renowned places of the
earth and holds some of the worlds greatest congregational worships. Besides
congregational occasions, Kabah is also the center facing which all Muslims
pray five times a day.
all the obligatory and voluntary prayers a Muslim has to face towards Qibla.
However, the problem occurs when a Muslim goes to a new place and is not aware
of the direction, at that time Muslims cannot exactly locate the Qibla which
makes it a little difficult for them to pray. The lines below discuss the
options a Muslim can use for finding Qibla when he or she cant find one.
first and one of the simplest options that a Muslim can utilize for locating
Qibla when at an unknown place is using a compass. The conventional compass or
the ones that come built-in in the wrist watches and other personal gadget can
tell you the directions. Once you know the directions and are aware of where
you are situated in relation to Kabah, then you can easily locate Qibla and
offer prayer.
Ask For Directions:
most obvious solution that can work for you in locating Qibla direction is
asking people for directions. Most of the people at a new place are shy of
asking others about direction, thus they find it hard to locate Kabah on their
own. Ergo, next time if you are in a place where you don’t have the tools to find
Qibla, then the simplest option that is always available for you is to ask
people about the directions. Once they tell you about the direction, then you
can easily assess where your Qibla is located and offer the respective prayer.
Smartphone Apps:
people who travel frequently, who don’t have access to compass and who are shy
and don’t want to ask people about directions, the best option available for
locating Qibla is to use Smartphone app like Find Qibla Direction. This app is
one of the best solutions pertaining to locating Qibla and prayers. With the
app you can locate your direction towards and distance to Qibla anywhere
anytime. Moreover, the app also tells of the prayer timings in the different
regions of the world, hence making offering of prayers easy.
short, the aforementioned options can help in locating Qibla, however if a
Muslim does not have access to any of them, then he or she can pray in the
direction which they think Qibla is located. Allah Almighty will accept this
lapse and would give the same reward as of regular prayer because of the same
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