As per the hadith,
Surat-ul-lkhlaas is (comparable to) a third of the quran. Also as indicated by
one 1-tadeeth its remunerate is equivalent to a third of the quran. As to
specific Sahabi Radi Allahu anhu who was a lmaam and he used to generally
recount qul huw allahu ahad,prophet (PBUH)said "Let him know that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala cherishes
It is specified in one hadith that sahabas always used to read suratul Ikhlaas
together with different Surahs in every rak'ah he used to carry out. On being
asked the reason, he answered that he cherished this Surah a whole lot. Upon
this prophet(PBUH) said "The
adoration for this surah will concede you into Jannah."
It is specified in the hadith that prophet muhammed (PBUH) said to a sahaba uqbah bin aamir radi allahu anhu: "If I not show both of you Surahs
which are delightful in recitation?" Then he taught him the over two
Surahs.prophet Muhammed Salla Allahu ta'ala 'alayhi wa Sallam then exhorted him
to keep presenting them for he would never read any surahs that are parallel
(in excellence and incredibleness) to these two.
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